Jujutsu Kaisen:
Battle Royale
When coming up with the design for the Main Menu Screen, I really wanted to highlight some key visuals from the Jujutsu Kaisen anime, so each mode of gameplay has their own designated character visual and a unique transition to go with it.
The Character Select menu draws more inspiration from the manga. The “unlocked” character portraits and the seals representing locked characters shows this off. The background was also inspired by Jujutsu Kaisen’s style of backgrounds for their manga volumes.
Main Menu - Story Mode

Main Menu - Battle

Main Menu - Network

This UI is for a mock Jujutsu Kaisen 3D fighting game, inspired by the Naruto Storm series. Hope you like it!
*This is fan-made project; this is not a real game
*Some edited images from the Jujutsu Kaisen anime/manga were used in this project
*The 3D models of Yuuji Itadori and Satoru Gojo were made by Carolina Amorim (https://www.artstation.com/camorim)
Character Select

In Game HUD

In Game HUD Elements

As I was making the design for the In Game HUD, even though all the characters have their own unique abilities, they are all derived of cursed energy, so I made the Special Gauge inspired by the flow of cursed energy as seen in the anime. I also thought the characters having a gauge for their own unique smaller, special attacks would show off more of each of the characters’ distinct fighting styles, so I created the Burst Gauge for that.